I cannot contain my excitement! :) :) X 100!

I have recently discovered a new method to help Ethan at homework time..and well, life in general.  (I am trying my best to refrain from putting 1,000 smiley faces all over this blog..)

One of the things I am most curious about, is what Ethan will be like as he gets older.. I have watched plenty of video's on youtube of older kids and adults with autism- and tried to compare Ethan to them in my mind. I just so happened to stumble across one video of a 19 year old kid with aspergers that I think will change our lives immensely..

This kid was simply talking about his life growing up with autism. You would never suspect that he was autistic if he hadn't told you. He was a lot like any other teenager, except he had been through much more than average. During this video, he explained some parenting methods his mom had used on him..One being that she would hold up her hand and visually show him what behavioral level he was on. Obviously putting her hand low to the floor indicated poor behavior. Putting her hand way up high indicated the best possible behavior.

Sounds like a strange concept... doesn't it? But it makes perfect sense! Autistic people are usually very visual. I had tried charts in the past but it only stressed Ethan out, and honestly... I am terrible at keeping up with the things. So I thought I would would give this method a try. I am ALL for figuring how to improve homework time for Ethan. Most days, it's pure hell!

Homework is such an aggravation to him. Ethan, of course, only wants to do what Ethan wants to do. He normally puts up a fight. He has a tremendous time trying to focus when he isn't interested... He tells me he doesn't know how to do it.. and wants help on things he knows exactly how to do. He won't even attempt to do any of it unless I am sitting right there with him.  So obviously, homework is VERY frustrating for both of us.

Let me start the events of last night by telling you.. I told Ethan and Ellie yesterday, that if they had a good week as far as school and behavior.. that I would take them on a date this Saturday. Nothing excites my kids like going on a date! So last night.. as Ethan started his regular homework grumbles.. I held my hand an inch above the floor. I explained to him that this was what level he was on, and if that level fell down to the floor, then we wouldn't be able to go on a date Saturday. Ethan tried to tell me that he was on a very high level. I then *showed* him that arguing with me would only bring his level down more. His response was AMAZING. What did he do? He immediately started on his homework! What, what?! This is working!

As he wrote his spelling words 3 times each, I would raise my hand up higher... and explain to him how **VERY PROUD** of him I am, that he is raising the level! He was doing so well! Then- Ethan started to worry about the level. He asked unnecessary questions rather than do his homework. I proceeded to show him that if he worries about the level instead of doing homework, it would start to go down rather than up.

Ethan did NOT want his level to go down. He finished his spelling, math and social studies happily, (Yes- I said happily!!!! :) ) and had even continued working hard when Ellie came in and talked to us. Focus! That NEVER happens. Not only did this method get Ethan to do his homework with out whining, it is teaching him how to calm himself when he is frustrated, AND how to focus. My autistic son is teaching HIMSELF how to be calm and focus. This simple little method is something I have been searching for. I feel like I've found the holy grail or something!?!?!  Obviously it can benefit Ethan greatly. But it will also benefit Ellie and I. We are constantly frustrated when Ethan is frustrated. His tension radiates to both of us. Now that he is learning how to handle that.. it will make for much more peaceful evenings. Ahhhhhhhh..... that is a ton of excitement in it self! Peace!

This simple method is easy for Ethan to comprehend. It's easy to use.. and not only is it teaching him how to focus and calm himself, it is teaching him how to control his behavior. This method is priceless.

As Ethan started his regular "I don't feel like going to school" grumbles this morning... I showed him where his level was... what did he do? He stopped his grumbling and cooperated like I want him to do. I feel like jumping for joy!!  I am one HAPPY Mommy!!!! :) :) :) :)

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    Hi!  My name is Jessi Angell and I created this website to help other parents of autistic children by sharing my own experiences.  I am just getting started so please check back from time to time for blogs, discussions, and helpful information.


    January 2014

