I am no psychological expert, I don't have a psychology degree... But when you start delving into the world of autism, you are delving into mental psyche in general. Working with autism, and working with Easter Seals in the special needs community, you certainly get it a lot of study time. I've learned so much in the past 10 years, its completely reflected in the people that I surround myself with.... I am very fortunate to have quite a few amazing people surrounding me and the kiddos!

I've heard people say "I wish I knew then what I know now." But how would we ever learn a lesson that way? I know I went through a lot of crap in the past that I NEVER want to deal with again... But it also shaped me into the person I am today... As well as gave me 2 beautiful kids, and I wouldn't trade having them for anything in the world!

There is a profound difference in my life 10 years ago~ and today. It's not that I've changes a ton.... But my way of thinking and understanding certainly has, and what I will, and will not deal with.

I've found that the people you surround yourself, and your kids with have a HUGE impact on your lives. Everybody you are around has the ability to influence you. I have been around people that were full of negativity, and hate.. and it always felt so wrong to be around them. But I'm one of those people that always hopes that the person/persons good side will prevail with the proper amount of motivation. It was almost a challenge to me to help them. To see them change for the better... I've seen in happen actually.. But I've learned that you can't help miserable people who don't mind being miserable. You can't help people that surround themselves with drama, and constantly spark it. And the most valuable lesson I've learned from all of that is... I don't HAVE to be around those people. Nobody could force me to stay around them. Me challenging myself was stressing me to the point that I had to be medicated, and stressing my kids out as well. My kids deserved so much better! So.... we got away!

I can't say it was that easy... extracting yourself from a bad mentally damaging situation isn't easy. But luckily I've always had some pretty AMAZING friends and family to back me along the way. I honestly think it would have taken me longer without them. I believe having supportive friends and family is one of God's greatest gifts... Something I DO NOT take for granted. I am purely blessed!

At this point in our lives, I can't even describe what a bunch of perfectly wonderful people we know. The kind of people that make your soul feel relieved to be around... the kind of people that make your soul shine! I have best friends who NEVER upset me... NEVER make me feel out of place or dramatized.. They uplift me on a daily basis... especially when I need it the most. Ethan and Ellie have Godparents who they COMPLETELY adore... and we just can't imagine life without them! I Love the fact that Ethan and Ellie adore my friends and my boyfriend just as much as I do!! They are ALWAYS ready to know when we are going to see them again. That makes my heart happy! 

The lesson in all of this.... Who you surround yourself with is such an important psychological matter. It directly effects your psyche. It really is important to treat people like you would want to be treated. Think before you speak. Pay attention to the vibes you pick up around people, because your instincts know. If you are around people who make you feel uncomfortable.. then they aren't for you. If you are around people who make you feel amazing just for being you... then you have found a little piece of heaven! Keep it, love it and cherish it. It's good for your heart, good for your soul ,  and good for your brain! :)

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    Hi!  My name is Jessi Angell and I created this website to help other parents of autistic children by sharing my own experiences.  I am just getting started so please check back from time to time for blogs, discussions, and helpful information.


    January 2014

