Being a parent of an autistic child OR being a parent in general...  *Me* time is important. Not only is getting my kids in bed every night beneficial to their health and school schedule.. I t’s beneficial to me!

It's important as a parent to have some reflection time at the end of the day.  The kids are all tucked in... and what do I have?  A few hours of FREEDOM! If that isn't a God given gift- I don't know what is. Weather I jam to some of my favorite music, take a bubble bath, read, or all of the above... it's my very own peaceful moment and I appreciate every second of it.

This being said... does NOT mean I don't fully adore my kiddos..  I just happen to think it's important for my parental psyche. I've noticed people getting so wrapped up in their busy family schedule, that they completely lose sight of who they are.

If you are able- get a sitter who you and your kids are comfortable with, and get out of the house from time to time.  Live life!  Even if you just go to the movies, have a beer with friends, jam to some live local music... Go do something that you enjoy.

I personally feel that it helps you remember who you are.  Of course you are a Mom/Dad and care deeply about your little ones..  But everyone needs balance. Me time helps balance, and balance is one of the keys to life:)

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    Hi!  My name is Jessi Angell and I created this website to help other parents of autistic children by sharing my own experiences.  I am just getting started so please check back from time to time for blogs, discussions, and helpful information.


    January 2014

