Sometimes- During day to day life, I forget about the little things.

In reality, I think the little things are the most important. It's so easy to miss them because soooo many big things grasp your attention... make you frustrated, shake your world for a minute maybe... But I have found during my daily reflection, thinking about the little things can cancel out the aggravation.

What little things, do you ask? Getting Hugs and an 'I love you!'.. Listening to your favorite music.. Knowing that when someone sends you a hello message that they care enough about you to do so. Having coffee when you need it the most and letting that first sip touch your soul.. Taking a long bubble bath with a book at the end of a crazy day.. snuggling up with your favorite person and watching a movie.. coloring and playing uno with your favorite little girl, and snuggling with your favorite little man... So many amazing gifts in life are free.. soak them up! It's incredible therapy...

I do believe I will have a day of amazing little things tomorrow with my munchkins... Snow isn't my favorite, but my kids geek about it... snow Angell's it is! Making my kids smile is some of the little things.. Making anybody smile will do!

Sometimes you have to hop off the negative train and realize how blessed you are to have what you have... even if it's a simple kiss in the morning, or an I love you at night. Not everybody is as fortunate as you.. embrace the little things in life:)

Some Lyrics to a song that I believe will help you remember the little thing:

Fairy tales can come true –

It can happen to you

If you're young at heart.

For its hard, you will find,

To be narrow of mind

If you're young at heart.

You can go to extremes

With impossible schemes;

You can laugh when your dreams

Fall apart at the seams;

And life becomes exciting with each passing day,

And love is either in your heart or on its way.

Don't you know that its worth

Every treasure on earth

To be young at heart?

For, as rich as you are,

Its much better by far

To be young at heart.

And, if you should survive

To a hundred and five,

Look at all you'll derive

Just by being alive!

Now, here is the best part:

You have a head start

If you are amongst the very young…

At heart.

And, if you should survive

To a hundred and five,

Look at all you'll derive

Just by being alive!

Now, here is the best part:

You have a head start

If you are amongst the very young…

At heart.



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    Hi!  My name is Jessi Angell and I created this website to help other parents of autistic children by sharing my own experiences.  I am just getting started so please check back from time to time for blogs, discussions, and helpful information.


    January 2014

