I know this blog is directed towards Autism and my son, but I feel like all too often- the siblings get left out. Although they don't label it (at least Ellie doesn't) She's grown up with autism. There has been MANY times I have to remind myself to spend more time with her. And it's not because I push her away, Ethan is MUCH more demanding than Ellie.

Ellie is a magnificent little girl. When she was a baby, I was worried that she would have some kind of learning disability... well ... rightfully so. She was on target developmentally but I was almost obsessed with having her tested.. Early intervention is key! I've been through this.. I think I automatically assumed.

Ellie was perfectly on target with everything. No disabilities.

She was the sweetest baby I'd ever seen. So calm and peaceful. She had no problem sleeping in her crib, and was happy everywhere she went. It was almost surreal! Ellie and Ethan are complete opposite worlds! Ellie was pretty much a breath of fresh air when she was a baby and a toddler. She started walking right at 12 months, and then her princess popped out. She has such a sweet and funny personality, yet she is emotional and matter of factly at the same time. Sometimes she gets stuck on silly.  Sometimes she can be stressful, but she is so easy to snap out of things. She can be SOOO upset with something, and then I have her laughing in seconds.

Lately I've found that one of my favorite things in the WORLD, is to play Uno with Ellie. Every time we play, I watch her and think, wow! She is So beautiful and smart, and neat! I think it's adorable when she tells me "Pick up 2 carsds Missy!" Hehehe.  In a few ways, she reminds me of me when I was a kid.. except I do believe she is much more intelligent and less likely to take any crap than I was.

She has such an inventive attitude. She wants to put on shows all the time, and she constantly comes up with ideas for games to play. She is always ready to go with the flow.. and I LOVE that!!!!! She loves it when we paint nails, sing together (even though I can't sing -She doesn't mind:) and go grocery shopping (She's my grocery store helper)  I can'-t not tell her how beautiful she is every day... because she is. She's amazing.

It's interesting to me that she has never seem to notice Ethan as having a disability. He's just Ethan to her. Her big brother. We can't do certain things sometimes because it stresses Ethan, but she doesn't mind! Of course she gets irritated with him like any sister would do a brother.. but that's it.

She's my beautiful go with the flow princess.. and I couldn't imagine life without her:)

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    Hi!  My name is Jessi Angell and I created this website to help other parents of autistic children by sharing my own experiences.  I am just getting started so please check back from time to time for blogs, discussions, and helpful information.


    January 2014

