There are proven links between autism, ADHD and allergies. I Truly believe that a lot of these symptoms can be improved greatly.. It takes a lot of work and dedication.. But isn't improving your child's life worth it?

When I first took Ethan to his autism doctor, she took one look at him and told me he had allergies.... what?! When I gave her that 'Are you psychic or something?' look, she proceeded to tell me that his eyelashes were very long. Well yes they are long and gorgeous and honestly I'd love to have eyelashes like his.. But... Huh? Apparently children with long eyelashes aren't just blessed with beauty, it's a symptom of allergies. She told me kids with allergies always have long beautiful eyelashes. Ohhhhh..... hmmm... Since then, every time I come across a kid with beautiful eyelashes, I ask the parents if they have allergies. I get that some goofy look that I gave Ethan's doctor. It's always been right on target. No one has ever proven that wrong.

Allergies can cause kids with autism AND ADHD severe problems. It can cause neurotoxic disorders which cause quite a bit of destruction to your child.

This destruction includes: Inflammation of the brain and gut, viral infiltration of the brain and gut, severe nutritional deficiencies, food reactions that have neurological consequences, autoimmune attacks upon the brain and body, Immune system over activity and under activity, and undernourished muscle activity.

I know this, because I've seen it first hand. Not only have I researched it, I know this world. Ethan had constant ear infection, yeast infections and sickness. He had diarrhea and stomach problems for 5 years. Like I said before, I knew he was allergic to dairy, but I had no idea he was allergic to wheat. In about 20 years, ADHD has increased 400%, the same amount as autism. Some of the symptoms are similar, some are different. Some kids Have autism AND ADHD.

Ethan has A LOT of trouble with focusing, and attention... But is not hyperactive at all. In fact, he is a pretty mellow kid now considering. That hasn't always been the case. Before I put him on the GFCF diet, I had to constantly be on my toes and running after him. Going to someones house that had breakables wasn't an option. He really geeked out about watching things break. Glass Christmas ornaments were completely out of the question. But it sure did make him smile!!

I HIGHLY recommend getting your child allergy tested if any of these issues concern you.

When I changed Ethan's diet, obviously taking away things he is allergic to, his brain opened up and his body started getting back in order and i saw such an amazing change. It's certainly a lot of work, but it's also VERY worth it!

Some books that I recommend in this area:

Healing the New Childhood Epidemics (Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies) By Kenneth Bock, M.D. and Cameron Stauth.

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    Hi!  My name is Jessi Angell and I created this website to help other parents of autistic children by sharing my own experiences.  I am just getting started so please check back from time to time for blogs, discussions, and helpful information.


    January 2014

